● 扩大东海岸的慢速区
● 在特定地区和季节,要求小至35英尺的船只将速度降至10节。
● 每当发现露脊鲸时,就实行临时速度限制。
另一方面,行业代表对这一决定表示欢迎。美国国家海洋制造商协会(National Marine Manufacturers Association)主席弗兰克•休格梅尔(Frank Hugelmeyer)表示,该提案将对划船和航运业产生负面影响。
▲Image for representation purposes only
The U.S. government has decided to withdraw a proposal that would have required ships to slow down in certain areas of the East Coast to protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
Officials said on Wednesday that there is not enough time to finalise the rule before the current administration ends.
The proposal, which was introduced over two years ago by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), aimed to reduce the number of ship collisions with right whales.
These whales, with fewer than 380 remaining, face severe threats due to ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement.
However, the Biden administration’s plan to finalise the rule was stopped, and the incoming Trump administration is unlikely to prioritise it.
What did the proposal include?
The proposal rule would have:
Expanded slow-speed zones along the East Coast
Required vessels as small as 35 feet to reduce speed to 10 knots in specific areas and seasons.
Introduced temporary speed restrictions whenever right whales were spotted.
Currently, only vessels over 65 feet are required to follow these speed limits in certain areas.
The NMFS received about 90,000 public comments on the proposal. Officials said it was not possible to review all the feedback and finalise the rule before the end of the administration.
Conservationists say that this decision puts the North Atlantic right whale at greater risk of extinction. Since the proposal’s introduction, at least four right whales have died, and many others have been injured due to vessel strikes.
Scientists believe that reducing ship speeds to 10 knots can decrease the risk of whale collisions by 86%.
Critics of the rule, including shipping companies and East Coast communities, opposed the restrictions. They say that the speed limits would harm local economies, reduce ferry services, and increase travel times.
An analysis estimated that the rule could have led to an 11% loss for Nantucket’s economy.
Conservation groups were disappointed, adding that the government missed an opportunity to protect a species on the brink of extinction. Gib Brogan from Oceana, a conservation organisation said, “This delay is costing whales their lives.”
On the other hand, industry representatives welcomed the decision. Frank Hugelmeyer, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association, said the proposal would have negatively impacted boating and shipping industries.
For now, the existing speed regulations from 2008 will remain in effect. These rules require vessels over 65 feet to slow down in specific areas.
The North Atlantic right whale population continues to decline. Conservationists warn that without urgent action, the species may not survive beyond 2035.
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